We are hiring - violin/viola & cello teachers

Crashendo at Laverton College is seeking violin/viola & cello teachers to join our team for our 2024 program. Applicants must be available for Wednesday and/or Thursday 3.30-5.30pm. The roles include working with our mixed senior ensemble, mixed intermediate ensemble or beginners (new intake in 2024). Experience working with groups is preferred.

Please send CVs to Erica. You can contact her here.

Crashendo is a free after-school music program for students at Laverton College who do not have access to regular music classes. Our program is ensemble-based, emphasises student-led learning, composition and improvisation while also offering focussed instrumental tuition. Crashendo provides a platform for skill-building, performance practice and a chance to explore group and individual identity through creative expression. It also acts as a protective factor for students who have experienced disadvantage and disassociation.
